Meet 3billion at the ACMG 2023 Annual Meeting!
- Event | 23. 03. 07
3billion is participating in the annual meeting of the American College of Medical Geneticists (ACMG) in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA from March 14th to 18th.
At the ACMG annual meeting, 3billion will promote its testing service “3B-GENOME“, based on whole genome sequencing, and the underlying technology.
In contrast to conventional panel testing and whole exome sequencing, whole genome sequencing can analyze various types of mutations that exist in the entire genome, making it the most accurate diagnostic method.
The technology and clinical cases of 3billion, proven through participation in various national research projects, will be presented at the event through three research posters.
3billion is looking forward to meeting with various healthcare professionals and researchers at the ACMG 2023 annual meeting.
Stop by booth #523 and meet the 3billion team!
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3billion Inc.
3billion is dedicated to creating a world where patients with rare diseases are not neglected in diagnosis and treatment.