Genomic data analysis and
interpretation service
Increase chances to diagnosis at MAX
with AI-assisted interpretation

Research into rare genetic diseases continues to advance, and naturally, so does diagnostic technology.
What we shouldn't lose sight of in this process is the data of undiagnosed patients who are still on a diagnostic odyssey.
3B-INTERPRETER is a service designed to provide you a comprehensive report within 2 weeks upon receiving your FASTQ datas.
When to use 3B-INTERPRETER?
- If you want to do the sequencing yourself and only send the data for analysis and clinical report
- If you want to reanalyze undiagnosed genomic data produced after EXOME/PANEL tests by a different lab
- If you want to compare the analysis results of past cases with the results of 3billion's analysis
If the data doesn't meet the quality requirements below, we may reject or cancel your order/data.
- Good quality (Q30≥85%) Illumina 150bp paired-end sequencing data.
- Sufficient and uniform coverage across the exome:
- No indication of sample contamination.
Mean depth of coverage ~100x
Targeted regions covered at 20X ≥98%
Targeted regions covered at 20X ≥98%
How to proceed?

Sign up for 3billion's portal


Upload FASTQ Data