In this webinar, with a clinical genetic expert from 3billion and pediatricians from Europe, get insights into the use of genetic testing in pediatrics with examples.

What content does the webinar cover?
- Real-life diagnosis cases from European partners with exome sequencing
- Benefits of genome sequencing in rare disease diagnosis

We recommend this webinar to pediatricians…
- who want to learn about genetic testing and are considering using it
- who want to identify patients in need of genetic testing
- who have used genetic testing before and are curious about NGS

How can I watch it?
Click the button below to sign up and get the webinar link to YouTube.

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Genotype-Phenotype correlations

Dr. Alisdair McNeill

Senior Clinical Lecturer in Neurogenetics & Hon Consultant Clinical Geneticist
Mask group 1

Exome is great but doctors ar better vs. Doctors are great but exome is better

Prof. Tinatin Tkemaladze

Tbilisi State Medical University
Mask group 3

Clinical utility of whole genome sequencing for patients suspected with genetic disease

Go Hun Seo MD, Ph.D.

3billion Chief Medical Officer
Mask group 4

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