3billion's WES product, 3B-EXOME, has been upgraded.
These enhancements will be effective for all samples arriving after May 1, 2023.

What changed?

Mitochondrial genome coverage
We have now included the entire mtDNA sequence evenly in our coverage. This enhancement has improved the accuracy of analysis for mtDNA variants.

Increased RPGR gene coverage
We have complemented the RPGR gene coverage with the ORF15 exon region to identify known pathogenic variants more accurately.

Intron region sequencing
We have sequenced certain genes up to the intron region, such as GLA and RPE65, to accurately find intronic variants and small CNVs.

We encourage you to take advantage of
our improved 3B-EXOME by ordering today!
Learn more about the new 3B-EXOME now.